Cold Comfort

Once watched a tv adaptation of a novel by Stella Gibbons, loved its comedic illustration of rural life... was reminded of it when turned up to customer here in deepest darkest East Lincolnshire, 2 miles down a farm track (see location map), to meet Bob, quite a stereotype... no sale, was just dropping off a free bottle I'd promised him if he bought a case from me... says he'll drink about 6 bottles a year and he "ain't gonna mek you (me) rich" but it added colour to my day, and who knows what might transpire...
Did sell a case to customer in Skegness who agreed to meet me having had gall bladder issues since he last bought in 2016...
A few other dead ends but it passed the time and I'm home at 7.30pm so that's good... only another £12,800 to go and I'll be on my way to Portugal :D

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