A Cycling Granny

By acyclinggranny

A Maori Carving

We are now staying at Ohope Beach, which is an hour's drive from Rotorua.

We saw this Maori carving on the beach, and were told that there is a local Maori Carver living in the area, and when logs arrive from the Urawera River, he collects them, carves them, and sets them up along the beach. Often the ocean comes up and the carving sails out to sea, and then comes back to shore. The carver stands it up where it lands. This particular carving hasn't strayed more than 100 metres from it's last resting place. It has been out to sea and back about 5 times in the 2 years since it was first set in place.

Check out yesterday's blip for a wedding pic. I uploaded it late, because I didn't have any internet access.

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