Overnight guests..

Meeting in the Old Boys Club. Old friends of mine since 40 - 50 years that meet regularly every 7-8 weeks for a walk, visit a museum or something. Most of the discussion today was about electric cars and the further expected development.Then an afternoon bite before we split apart. Mrs B phoned to tell that the the grandchildren`s mother Maria was ill and had to stay at home from work. Their father Anders had to work overtime. That meant Mrs B had to - or rather offered to, pick them up at their Kindergarten. She brought them to us. We served fish dinner, boiled potatoes and steamed carrots. For dessert ice cream and blueberries. Then playing games, then playing hide and seek which is a must and not easy to stop. Just another one, only only one Sasha. Then I - Sasha,  read a chapter to Herman from Danny, the champion of the world. Mrs B did wash some clothes from the Kindergarten. Tomorrow early morning we will bring them to the Kindergarten. Lovely day.     

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