Adolescent dog training classes

What a lovely time I had at my first 'Adolescent dog training class'. It was fab. As soon as we arrived I had to go into my own little 'bay' and lie down on the mat and then I got a big yummy kong. Apparently that was to settle us so that we knew that 'adolescent dog training' was a nice place to be.

There were five other doggies in the class, but we weren't actually allowed to interact with each other. …..............Apart from the 'meet & greet' exercise. The 'meet & greet' exercise was my fav. We had to walk across the hall to meet the doggie who was in the bay opposite us, then our owners had to apply the '3 sec rule'. ….................Doggies meet for 3 secs, then Ann had to say, 'Trixie come', and I had to leave the other doggie and go back to Ann immediately for little sausage treats. I managed that really well but only because the silly little Sheltie that I was 'meeting & greeting' didn't want to play with me.

Anyway, most of the tasks that we had to do, I managed OK, but I was definitely the most 'bouncy' doggie there. A couple of them didn't even bother moving off their mats??!!

I am soooooooooo looking forward to next weeks class. Yay!!!

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