
By sundown today, I had finished all my correction work.  All of the marks are in already as well, and finalized.

That's not a mountain in the shot.  It's a cloud bank.  Shot from my office upstairs.

All I have left to do in connection with work is reply to some mail, clear out my inbox at work (most of the stuff was already taken out last December), meet some students for feedback for their work, and then the two farewell dinners, which isn't really work, of course.

After sunset, while it was still relatively light, I took a walk to post my next requests to the genealogy bureau.  I'm not tired, not really, or maybe I don't feel it yet.  Or don't I?  Ever since I got back from that crazy flying week, my Circadian cycle has been out of sync, and I'll be flying again soon.  But first ... the last bits at work, which I won't attend to till Thursday.

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