
I had dinner with Sarah this evening, which was lovely, but I managed to forget that I wanted to take photos of her!  We went to a sushi restaurant we'd not tried before, and it was pretty good but nothing to beat our previous favorite which has closed.  We talked about wedding plans: she showed me photos of the flowers she has chosen and is looking forward to the tasting sessions during which she and Nick will choose the foods they want to have at the reception.  Three of her proposed bridesmaids are now pregnant - one has had to drop out and both Manda's and Nick's sister's due dates are awfully close to the wedding date.  We are all keeping our fingers crossed for no more dropouts.  Manda has said that it's all right with her if the babies come the day after the wedding, but not right before.

So this photo is of 201's new doorway decoration; as usual it's tasteful and well thought out and very pretty.

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