
By strawhouse

Muddy Walk

There don't seem to be any other kinds of walk at the moment. Mud, mud, mud!!
Mr K took Miss L to Harris + Hoole this morning as usual. It was just the two of them as Miss E decided to stay in bed!
I stayed in bed too. Miss E is starting to take after me in the lie-in department!
When they got back there was just time for a long leisurely bath (me) a muddy walk with Archie (me and Archie), pizza (the Little Misses and Mr K) before heading down to Heathrow with Mr K.
He's off to Singapore for another week.
Alright for some!
The Little Misses and Archie came too so it was a proper family outing!
Home for my dinner and then bed.
All to myself. Whoop whoop!!
The wonders of modern technology meant that I could chat with Mr K via text. Until it got too late and I wanted to enjoy having a lovely big bed all to myself!

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