
By seddon


Slept well last night, considering how long I'd slept yesterday! Once again woke up early, and didn't settle after my feed, but instead kept trying to crawl off and when mummy stopped me I sat bouncing instead.
We got up and went downstairs for breakfast - Thomas wanted to help me with mine, so he sat next to me and got afew cheerios onto my spoon at a time and then helped me get the spoon to my mouth. He waited until I finished what was in my mouth and made me say more please ('mmm mmmms'), then gave me some more. It took longer than normal to eat breakfast, but seeing as we'd been up early we were still ready in plenty of time for school.
After the school run, I had a little snooze and then we headed to Puddle ducks. I had a lovely time and did 3 head down swims and came up each time after kicking to mummy with a massive smile on my face! My friends Ace and Dorian who have both been poorly over the last few weeks, were both there. After swimming we stayed and played for a while in the cafe, and mummy chatted to ace's mummy, and dorian's mummy and grandma.
This afternoon, after a quick nap, me and mummy practiced my standing up and waking along the sofa. I can stand for quite a long time now if I don't realise I'm doing so, but as soon as I realise I sit back down or collapse into mummy!
This evening it was football for Thomas, so mummy cooked fajitas and we had tea quite early. I ate quite a lot, but then decided I was full, and threw some of my tea on the floor. Mummy told me 'no' and I cried, really, really cried. Proper tears!!
After I'd calmed down, me and mummy had a shower and I was ready for bed by the time daddy and Thomas got home.

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