Simple Twist of Fate
My daughter works as cabin crew for Emirates who continue to fly to China despite some other airlines suspending flights because of the coronavirus.
This month she is on 'Standby' which means she waits at home or at the airport in Dubai waiting to be told at the last minute where she is flying to. She saw online in the crew portal that there were six crew missing from a flight to Shanghai (wonder why?) and thought 'I will be going on that'. Sure enough the call came and she was just checking in to work that flight when at the very last moment she was switched to a Milan - New York - Milan round trip which will take the best part of a week. It turned out that the crew member who was supposed to be on that flight had forgotten his passport and could therefore not fly. He was sent home to get his passport and was put on a later China flight!
Only problem is that my daughter had not packed for her new destinations and had a suitcase full of pot noodles, porridge oats and crisps as she thought she would be holed up her room in Shanghai. Off to Milan's equivalent of Primark for some cheap clothes.
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