
By K9tam

Gimme, gimme, gimme

my ball back!

Today a friend of mine asked me to take some photos of their dog and her litter sister who lives next door to them. It's the neighbour's 50th birthday tomorrow and they want to present her with a picture of Rosie the dog. I don't like the pressure of having to get a decent shot of two wild, boisterous Labrador's! And we were limited for time. Hopefully I got a few that he'll be happy with.

Other than that, a pretty ordinary day. Training as usual and then I called into the garden centre to redeem various vouchers that were due to expire today. Came away with a Rhododendron to replace the one we inherited from my Dad when he died 11 years ago, it's looking a bit sad in the pot it came in all those years ago. So, £50 later I'm not sure using up the vouchers was actually a very economic move! 

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