I could have done with this yesterday

A well planned schedule ran like clockwork. While I took the car for a service Susan took her mum to the Goodman centre travelling on to collect me so we could both go to the gym.

After a good session at the gym we went to Bluewater for lunch and to redeem our complimentary hot drink and cake (scone) and do a bit of shopping.

On the way back we collected the car, all’s well, delivered some photos of Landon that I’d bought back to his Granny and for his Great Granny and home.

It was at the dealers that this abstract was taken, always a shot like this in a showroom. You just have to be wary of salespersons trying to sell you a car.

We stand at a crossroads today. Is it a brave new world or not? It’ll be hard to tell one way or the other. We can only hope that we have given a positive legacy for the younger generation.

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