
By Tiebreaker

Fungi ...

Found these mushrooms under a fallen tree in the citypark Semiramis in the area where I live. Although the weather forcasts repeat that January is a warm month,  I experience the days as cold. Certainly such a gray and windy day as today. And if you look around you, you actually see very little what is suitable to capture on the "sensitive plate"... ;)

But on and under the trunk of a fallen tree in the park I saw a fairly cool mushroom group. The cold and gray of the day were soon forgotten. And on my knees, in the dark gray of the sunless afternoon, an image appeared on my retina of a painting of mushrooms that glow in my joy in soft yellow, brown and orange hues.

 And because the mushroom belongs to the flora, I tag this photo today as ff31 with thanks to BikerBear for hosting the Flower Friday Challenge. 

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