Two Balls
Tonight is the Winter Ball for Nik’s HS. The away Bball game was supposed to be at 7:30—-no problem, he could get there at 9, maybe. The tux was rented. But the game got changed to 8:30, started a half hour late! and finished at 10:15. A few shots for 3. Mom is discussing the plan at the half. The end of the game, that they handily won, has him looking to see if Dad has the tux. Yes he did ! so there’s a blurry pix of him going off to change . He has his car outside. The date is a cheerleader so guess she will understand. Hopefully there will be another pix…(?) this is in the shop where it got rented, so had to include it with the story. I won’t count on much of a report, however…Hope he has fun!!! I couldn't decide so had to make the collage...:-) without lots of time as it's past my bedtime... We will miss the very last game of this season next week….
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