on the mat

Last night I escaped into the garden to commune with nature. And nature was kind, unexpectedly - instead of the promised gale force winds and rain, I was mostly dry in my sheltered spot. I woke several times in the night as is usual when I bivvy out. Once I heard an owl nearby, and at 5am the lights were on in the milking parlour of the farm on the other side of the valley, but otherwise not much was stirring until about 7.30, when the birds began to sing and I went inside to make some coffee.

D and I spent the day at Allanton World Peace Sanctuary, at an event run by Kerry, a local yoga teacher - "Yoga and the Climate Crisis". We did a lot of yoga (well, a lot for me, who doesn't do much as a rule) and discussed positive approaches to the climate crisis for us as individuals and for the group as a whole. It was a good day, but I am quite tired now. When D has finished doing his yoga, it will be time for tea and I think we might have an early night. It's February 1st, so time to start another Dickens book. "Oliver Twist" is next :-)

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