In the freezer, out of the freezer, back in the
freezer ..... all in the name of Flower Friday, but a fun challenge nevertheless. In between the freezer operation I was fiddling with the jumble sale purchases of a couple of weeks back. I managed to make two more dinglie danglies for the bathroom. 3 hooks left to fill.
I wanted to use the hellebore as it's such a pretty bloom. I could'nt actual see the centre of this bloom until I'd cut it as it was growing at the back of the front border and low down. I did try to move them backalong but the roots are tangled in amongst the hedging plants, such a pity as the blooms are so beautiful but they need to be in a tub or raised border to appreciate them. I WILL have to move them once they've finished flowering.
My stored apples needed my attention, a few have gone rotten but fortunately many of them are still looking fine.
Homemade sausage & sweet pepper pizza for dinner. Tasty for me, very hot & tasty for hubby. First time I've used the chilli paste from a tube, obviously did'nt need quite so much. He! He! Well he has been moaning that the "spicy" food I've been cooking was'nt spicy, so although it was'nt quite the compliment I was looking for it was HOT. Tick!
A back Blip as time just got the better of me yesterday.
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting
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