2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Impatient Robin

No body pump this morning as the class was already fully booked when I tried to book in last night. Drat these people and their new year's resolutions. The gym will be empty again by February. Decided to stay in bed and read my book club book 'Life, death and vanilla slices'. Really enjoying it (good thing as it was my choice!).

Topped up the bird table and feeders again. As I was filling up the feeders, this robin was fluttering around and getting very impatient. The bird table had yesterday's left over rice, suet pellets, bread, sunflower hearts, mealworms and a couple of chopped up bruised apples on it. So far today I've seen robins, dunnocks, a black cap, great tits, greenfinches, blue tits, blackbirds, magpies, crows, collared doves, chaffinches and wood pigeons in the garden. I've refilled the table about three times already.

Snow has fallen most of today but it is quite light and I don't think it will give me any problems tomorrow.

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