Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Free Parking

Bobby now knows why the parking was free.  Many thanks to Admirer for faithfully hosting Silly Saturdays! 

I don't know how long this car has been up there but I've driven and cycled on this road more times than I can count and I've never seen it before.  My first extra is a closer view.  The second is the glorious sunset that we had tonight.  I was in the den in the back of the house when Pipersdad called me to come outside.  I walked down the hall and the living room and kitchen were glowing with orange light.  When I stepped outside the whole sky was aglow.  We watched it change for about 15 minutes before it started to fade but the last traces of color hung on until it got dark.  The photo doesn't begin to do it justice.

I am grateful that the wind didn't deter me from riding my bike today.  It was 65 F and I wasn't going to miss that.   I started out into the wind and really fought it for 10 miles but then it died down quite a bit.  My plan was to have a tail wind on the way home but it was pretty mild by then.  Of course!  I don't mind, though.  It was a good ride and I managed 28 miles despite the headwind and lack of tailwind. :-)

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