I took delivery of some more bits and pieces for the new toy today - some adapters to allow me to use my filters (including a £7 adapter to allow me to use £300+ worth of Lee and other filters - which can't be bad!), plus a manual only adapter to connect my some of my Canon EOS lenses.
I already knew the adapter would only operate lenses wide-open with manual focus - but was a little dispointed to find that newer lenses using stepping motors would also not focus, as these rely on electronics to focus even in manual mode - which means the "Niffy 50" and 35mm macro lenses are not usable :-(
Still, it works fine for the 60mm and 100mm macros - so focus stacking projects will be on the cards - plus the fish-eye lens which also gives aperture control.
The main image was quick test shot using the 100mm macro hand-held in very poor light of some of the wooden cogs for the clock I am building. A B&W conversion with some work in Lightroom has resulted in a fairly reasonable result, so overall I'm quite pleased with my purchases.
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