Birthday Girl.

Today was RF's birthday, she had an appointment at 9am and we'd arranged lunch with J and K at 1pm. I'd said I would see her for lunch but surprised her by meeting when her appointment finished. We then went for breakfast in a new place in The Square, it was great.

She liked her new yoga mat having made a few subtle hints about mine!

Lunch was great then a space in the day before going to Whitchurch Folk Club for some live music.

I took Murphy and Willis for a walk and realised that the post box we regularly walk past is a little unusual. It was produced during the reign of Edward vii 1901-1910 and, due to the elaborate insignia, during the latter half of his reign. It could also be it's 110-115th birthday!

Murphy seemed well after a disturbed night but just before we went out his stomach upset proved it's still not right.

Apart from that we had a lovely day. Happy birthday lovely lady.

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