Regular Visitor

Sainsbury's fuel station was broken into overnight, which meant it was closed this morning when I wanted to top up the tank.  The cash machine was also out of action.  Fortunately "my" car parking space was free and the supermarket opened a few minutes before 9.30 a.m.  However, they've been shifting things around and I can't be bothered to hunt for things, so do without.  Besides, we're going away mid-week so don't need much.

Back home, I changed, grabbed my little camera with macro lens attached and took a leisurely walk around the woods.  It rained overnight and the paths are really treacherous, and I nearly did the splits (again) trying to get up the slope from the back playing field.

One of the trees has masses of bracket fungus, which I might have blipped, the snowdrops are out in abundance and I was hoping to get a decent picture to blip.

However, we seem to be having regular visits from a male Sparrowhawk and just as I was putting a casserole in the oven this one landed on the back fence, so I dived through into the conservatory, grabbing my big camera on the way and snapped this "not perfect" but perfectly adequate picture.  Job done.  Better viewed large.

Rugby to watch.

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