Friday Foto

By drmackem


The miseducation of......

A Photo

A Musing and A Tune
Already carrying a bit of sadness in my life from this week, Brexit, cold hands and Mimi, we went to Opera at a comfy cinema for the second time, on this occasion to see streamed live from New York Met Porgy and Bess (Opera therefore tragic).

And oh my what a journey this was. The Gershwin boys lyrics and tunes, the orchestra, the dancing, the singing, the respectful  holding of the story. Both grand in its scope and a statement of the times and brutally and beautifully intimate at the same time.
Whilst we have two murders in Porgy and Bess -Bess doesn't expire though at the end, maybe worse though was the death of something in her, Porgy, the whole of catfish row and the audience want to go find and rescue her, but she's beyond reaching.
Themes of oppression, abuse, sexual exploitation, drug addiction, pimps and pushers, physical handicap, religion, hope, despair, poverty, prejudice, violence and grace brought into the space by such talented artists at the top of their game. It’s like a shift at work but to better music and with less dancing.
Angel Blue played Bess (don’t ever let me see her as Mimi in La Bohème, it’ll be the end of me), such a talented artist.

A Tune
Summertime -the opening song and recurrent theme of Clara’s.
One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And you'll take the sky
But 'til that morning
There's a'nothing can harm you
With daddy and mammy standing by

Summertime - Angel Blue

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