
By MumOf4Wildlings

Children's ward.

This little Jedi had a really bad night with his breathing. I've been having to sleep with him up on my chest the last four nights. Last night was the worse. He lost his breath a few times. NHS told us to take him up to the hospital for a check. The out of hours doctor said that although his stats were good she could see that he was breathing through his mouth and sounded very stuffy when trying to breathe through his nose. So she wanted us to be seen by peadiatric's.

They have admitted him for overnight observation. They managed to get a couple of tubes up his nose to check his passages. They will attempt to suction throughout the night but the new doctor he saw thinks he picked up a virus when he was born. Although I did say his breathing has been like this since day 1.

He has been giving this beautiful blanket to keep. The tag on this blanket say's it's been made by Joan Rhind from project Linus. We have had a few throughout the year's.

A happier note. My mum came and saw him for the first time yesterday. It was lovely seeing her.

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