Dr Jones

By jones

Anne’s 50th afternoon tea

I went for a run along the beach and managed just under 5km. It was very windy and tough running against the wind.  I dropped off Anne’s birthday present and by the time I got home, Arfon, Tash and the girls had arrived.  They stayed for about an hour. We then got ready to go to Portmeirion for afternoon tea to celebrate Anne’s 50th birthday.   We caught the train at 3.37pm and we were picked up by the hotel’s minibus at the station.  We had a room to ourselves but it was a bit hot because of the fire.   We drank lots of tea and Prosecco, ate sandwiches and loads of sweet cakes.  We were all feeling quite sleepy and were glad to leave and catch the train home.  We all came round to our house and drank even more Prosecco. I was in bed by 9.30pm. 

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