
By seddon


Not a great night last night and up and ready for the day before 7am... Me that is, not mummy! But seeing as daddy didn't get in from the pub til late last night, mummy brought me and Thomas downstairs for breakfast.
We all got ready to go and take Thomas to swimming and I again was his own personal cheerleader!
This afternoon we headed to nannie and grandpa's house. The weather wasn't too bad today so we went for a walk to the Carrs. Mummy had forgotten the carrier so she, grandpa and daddy took it in turns to carry me. We fed the ducks - Thomas and daddy hand fed the muscovy ducks who came up out of the water to them, and we saw 2 herons (much to nannies annoyance-they keep eating her fish!)
Back to nannies for tea, after which I had some strawberries and blueberries, then spied mummy's vegan cornetto and demanded 'that' and then 'more'!!!

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