Kindness And Fun

A great start to my favourite week at school. Book Week. 

We started the day with an assembly to launch Book Week. The whole school joined in doing the actions along with this video of Michael Rosen reading his classic book, We're Going On A Bear Hunt. Great fun.

Another teacher launched the school's drive to aid the Bring Books charity. Children will donate books to the school and then we will take them to a school in Nepal which desperately needs. The teacher shared some videos in the assembly of children in the Nepalese school which received books from our children last year. It was deeply moving to see our small gifts gave so much joy to those children.

A phone call after school meant that I can now get my class' food drive underway. During our whole school Good Neighbour Event, my class will promote and run a food drive to collect food to be delivered to the local Catholic Church that will distribute it to homeless individuals.

I was delighted to teach my first Book Week lesson from my class' assigned continent, South America, because it is about a particular hero of mine, Luis Soriano Bohorquez, otherwise known as Biblioburro. This wonderful man delivers books to children in remote regions of Colombia, running a mobile library on his two donkeys, Alfa and Beto. You can watch a video about him here.

Tomorrow I look forward to introducing the class to the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay though the book Ada's Violin.

It's good, and fun, to do good.

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