
We had a sunny Sunday so we went through the oak meadows again, partly to look for a poo bag that mum accidentally dropped yesterday. Because we went to see Grandma on the way, we walked clockwise. We nearly always walk any walk anti-clockwise. Mum says her brain is programmed to walk anti-clockwise. So I tried to tell her it was the wrong way, but she said Just this once. 

We did find the poo bag, and to make up for leaving a poo bag in the nature reserve in the first place, we picked up another poo bag that someone else had left too. 

Mum is warming up to the idea of a rock jumping challenge. She says there has to be Rules, like the rocks have to be taller than X centimetres and that it is to be strictly a winter challenge. Because there will be snakes and ticks during spring and summer. That’s fine with me. 

Resting now. 

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