Mono Monday: Week 315 .....

.... looking out.

I'm a little behind in my journal with having to post my weekend pictures at some time in the near future ....

But I wanted to get this Mono Monday picture of Cheddar looking out the front door posted.  This is the first time that I have been able to open the front door for him .... today is absolutely gorgeous for a February day.  And I think Cheddar likes the view!  And the warm sunshine! 

He was originally in the garden window downstairs looking out into the front yard but when I opened the front door he was right there!  I had gone out to wash the garden window (and it looks like I should have washed the front glass door as well!) and while I was out there the tiny black-capped chickadee in my extra flew down to the feeder that was right in front of me!  I'm no more than two feet away from him/her.  Adorable!

I'm trying something new tonight for supper.  I  have a turkey breast that I'm "roasting" in the slow cooker.  I have never tried cooking turkey in the slow cooker before so I'm curious as to how it will turn out.  I made a butter/herb mixture to put under and on top of the skin. Thick cut onions went into the slow cooker first and then I put the turkey breast on top of them.  I will let you know tomorrow if it was any good!

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