
By DrSandy

Throwing THE BONES ?

Since STEP is in full swing........... I'm back to my usual Friday morning routine i.e.

Get up with the birds,  get up the hill, before the sun does and then read in the courtyard, before STEPPING  up a storm and calming down, with a session of zen pilates.

The problem, this morning it was a little wet.

So, when I got to the courtyard, I decided to double check, that there was absolutely NO OPTION, to sit in a completely dry spot.  

There wasn't. 

But I did encounter this bizaar scene.  At least my blip for the day, was sorted.

I headed back to the tables, mopped up a spot, with a towel and began, reading.

I had deliberately packed the towel, in anticipation of a wet problem.

STEP was fabulous, zen pilates was greatMet with Tracey to discuss next drawing orderthe topics transfats / interesterified fats and calcium supplements.

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