Heart Month.

Perfect for me!

Even Bella chose her heart for today.

Mr W took Daughter Number 2 to get her brakes done. While they waited, they popped into our old Health Club where we all used to be members. DN2's dad is still a member but rarely goes.

Except today. He decided to pop in for a beer. He sat the other side of DN2 at the bar with Mr W the other side. Both ignoring each other with The Rat trying hard to take DN2's full attention away from Mr W. Pathetic. Still after 10 years he can't bring himself to talk to Mr W. He didn't want me, but didn't want anyone else wanting me either!!!!

Luckily DN2 wasn't bothered by it and Mr W just thought it was amusing. The only person it would have bothered was him.

Karma is a wonderful thing.

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