POG's Journal



My Day:
Back on the troubled sleeping again… so ended up getting up a little later than planned.

I was going to do a lap of Portsmouth on the mountain bike, as Portsmouth is an island there are some squidgy bits around the edge more suitable to a mountain bike, but as I woke it was rather cold so took the easy way out on setup the rollers for a session on them.

I’ve not ridden my track bike since September last year and will be on the velodrome in 13 days’ time, so it won’t hurt to spin my legs.

This afternoon I plan to visit a friend for a catchup then once home the normal format of loafing around will take place.
The Bike:
As above 30 minutes on the rollers, no specific activity planned other than not falling off. Well managed to not fall off and tried to increase my pedaling speed a few times, only managed 138 RPM before getting too wobbly. It should come back to where I was last year at 169 RPM…
The Photo:
So, for those of you who are unfamiliar with rollers they are basically three free running rollers that are joined by a frame there are two rollers at the back and one at the front. The middle one and the front one has what is essentially a big rubber band that goes between them. This allows them the both revolve at the same speed and time.

You just put your bike on then and pedal away. When you pedal fast you have to pedal smoothly otherwise you could fall off, so they are a great tool for improving your skills.

So, you can see them in action HERE IS A LINK to former World Champion Franscois Pervis pedaling fast on the rollers. At the time of filming he was wearing the rainbow bands jersey that signifies, he is the Champion of the World.
More tomorrow.


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