
By MumOf4Wildlings


Thank you for your lovely comments regarding the smallest wildling.
He had a semi decent night last night and then was struggling from about 2am onwards. I'm a little sleepy and it's not long after 5om. Still a while and a lot to do before the Wildlings are in bed and Mr R gets home.

This morning though I played the guitar and read some stories to the children in Lincoln's nursery. They really enjoyed it . It's a lovely nursery and linc has a great time there. Harp also got to play while I was there. I'm taking her to a toddler group in the morning as she needs to make more of her own wee friends her age.

When Xander was a baby we did a few groups. Then when Lincoln came along I tried to do groups with him, but Xander was a flight risk and would escape from most places. So it made baby groups very stressful. Lincoln ended up going to a childminder friend of mines one day a week for some play and peace. And now that they're in school and nursery I can take harp along to these things. Although the house and ironing etc does suffer if I'm out , but harp does have a great time when she gets to play with other children. And for me that's more important than the house.

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