Emergency Blip in every sense of the word.

It was my birthday today.
I spent it first thing going in an ambulance back to the hospital with Stephen where we’d been on Saturday, and sent home with antibiotics.
The paramedics were wonderful with us both.
When they discovered it was my birthday they told someone who brought me a basket of biscuits to choose from, a coffee, and a sandwich. I’d only managed a slice of toast before that at 7.00am knowing I needed to go to our doctor’s surgery for 8.00am in order to get Stephen an appointment.
Thank goodness I did.
He was sent straight from there after being seen, into A and E where a team was waiting to deal with him.
This afternoon he had an emergency operation and is now in the High Dependency Unit.
Friends have been amazing, providing lifts for me so I did not need to find parking places there. Always at a premium it being a big site.
I saw him at 10.00pm with another friend who had taken me.
He was looking so much better than this morning when they had told me he was very poorly.
So I’m not opening my cards and gifts till he is back home.Looks as if he will be in there on his birthday which is Saturday.
We’ll have to have birthdays later on when he is home.
I took the photo of the paramedics who are worth their weight in gold.
I won’t be able to comment much just now for a bit. But will be looking at your lovely photos!
Time for bed.

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