Annadel State Park

Intent on taking a couple of longer walks every week we thought we might be motivated by choosing some hikes in the state park where there are miles and miles of nice hiking trails. I still have stitches on the top of my foot and John is still working on strengthening his leg which had nerve damage when he hurt his back, so we decided on a fire trail starting from a rather nice upscale area of houses and a minimal and gentle elevation gain following Spring Creek. 

It was really cold when we set out but by the time we emerged from the shady, fern lined creek and climbed to the plateau pictured in extras we had warmed up nicely. 

A sign at the beginning of the trail explained the rationale for not allowing dogs in a state park. 
1. Dogs can frighten and even attack wild animals. We hiked for an hour and a half and the only sign of life during that time was a single deer, a few hikers and a half dozen mountain bikers (far more scary than a dog).  From a distance the 'deer' could have been a dog if dogs were allowed in state parks . There is a well worn deer trail right past our back fence. I think humans with hunting rifles are more of a threat to them than a dog.
2. Dogs can pass poison oak oil to their human companions. Since this is a reality just about anywhere one goes in Sonoma county most of us either know how to avoid poison oak or are willing to take the risk. I would think mountain bikers careening through the underbrush are far more likely to get poison oak rashes that I am walking my dog on a trail on a lead.
3.Dog feces spoil the outdoor experience for other hikers. We didn't meet any horses, but we did see their hoof prints on the trail. Horses, as well as every other living creature that passes, also poop and don't have humans picking it up with a plastic bag as we do.

A fairly lame list of reasons not to allow dogs in my not so humble opinion. Still, the sun was shining, we had a nice walk, and John had a good excuse for going to the Trail House and having a sandwich and a beer. I had a sandwich and a small glass of cider.

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