Electric Chair

Dental appointment today!  Happy to type here that I didn't need an anaesthetic to keep me in my seat.  All went well, and I've scheduled a follow-up in March for my dead tooth.  I don't have any cavities but the tooth has a deep dent in it which I'd like filled before it becomes a problem.  I don't think I'll need an anaesthetic to have it done, either.

New MOOC today on Catalonia but I'll start on it tomorrow.

AW drove Hennes and Mauritz to the airport because they're going to where I've just been and where I will be again in a couple of weeks.  We've given them tips and suggestions but they will find their own way, as they usually do.  Before going there again, though ... I'll be headed to one of my favourite places first.  I'm certain you know what that is.  Three more days to get ready.  As usual, the bag with gifts is already done.

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