
My mobile phone is goosed, I use my phone for lots of things so being as I was due an upgrade, I phoned EE to get a new one. Honestly these companies are dire at times! First they guy says " I need to ask you some security questions" 
"Fire away " I said breezily
" What's the last 4 digits of your bank account" " Which one" I ask ( I have one from which I pay bills and for mucking about)
"The one from which you pay your EE standing order"
"I don't know because I do mobile banking" 
"Why can't you answer the question"
"Because all the details are in my dead phone !"
"Ask me another question" says I by now exasperated I
"What is the date of your EE standing order"
"For the love of God, that information is inside the dead phone" I just about spit at him (at this point I see Donald leaving the room!
"Ask me another question"
" I can't, your'e only allowed two, this is for your own protection" says he
In other words your phone can be hacked from anywhere in the bloody world but if you can't answer two miserable security questions, you don't get access to your own information!! That is ludicrous!
I can feel my dander going up so I say a curt goodbye to the jobsworth and dial again in the forlorn hope I don't get the same idiot answering again!
The next one is a very friendly Scottish lass, I tell her my phone is broken and therefore not to ask me the damn questions relating to my bank details
"no problem" says she and proceeds to ask me two questions I can answer right off the bat!
Fifteen minutes later and a new updated phone is now winging its way to me on Friday
I honestly don't know whether we have progressed any in life or have gone backwards!
Something similar happened before so I did write quite a few passwords etc down in a notebook, I just can't remember where I stored the pesky book!
I put the dead phone in the deep freeze as that sometimes sorts it out!

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