Life with Alice

By elirin

Rolling Around

It snowed again last night! Only a few centimetres, but added to what was already there, it was enough to declare it a sunny winter’s day! We celebrated by walking not just the first oak meadow, but the second as well! 

The collage is me rolling around in the snow happily and then shaking. It was great! I also practised my rock jumping. Mum is adding a couple of extras, because who knows if we will have any more snow this winter. The first is me looking down at mum from the biggest rock. It’s about 2,5 metres! 

We also found fresh, as in after the last snowfall fresh, wild boar diggings. You can see some to the left of the trail in the second extra. Also hoof prints. We wonder how they get into the sheep enclosure. Mysterious. 

It was a glorious walk! I’m so happy! 

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