
By MumOf4Wildlings


This morning didn't get of to a great start. I only had to get the bigger two ready to head out the door so myself and the younger two were still in our pyjamas. Well Xander was having a wobble and he wouldn't leave the house. So things were running late. He would only go to school if I went in the car with them. Guess who didn't have time to get changed and I had to go in my PJ's. Definitely not what I had planned.

Later on was all about the middle wildling and a stem workshop. ( Science, technology, engineering and maths ) they will make it steam and add art to it.
It was a open session for the parents and grandparents to come along and work with their little ones. Today was all about the buildings and sights in Dumfries. We had to make our project to a photograph. And use the materials that were there.

This is our local swimming pool. Dg1. ( A massive fiasco where we live . Just Google it and see ) but all the children had a great time. There was 9 of us parents, and the other children worked with their teacher's. Lincoln enjoyed this for a while and then wanted to create something for himself. Harp had a great time drawing and playing.
Each of the buildings and bridges will all be used in small world play .
I look forward to the next project.

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