Rice Fields
I flew over the rice fields reflecting light
I dug in the soil turning the earth
I walked in the Oak woodland on the same path as others.
And also
there was the bed
the fireplace
the clothing
the suffering
the anger
the need
the earnest effort
the music
the light
the cooperation
the abundance
the hunger
there was the cold
there was the world
there was the teaching
the offering
the soup
the bread
there were the children
the young adults
those middle aged and the elderly
there were the plans
the disappointments
the games
the love
the longing
the admiration
the boredom
the puzzles
the gifts
the pots of soup carefully simmered.
there was the downplay
the chocolate cake
the walnuts.
the cars in the driveway
the corduroy jacket
the shoes.
the young man in his pajamas.
the puzzle--the impossible puzzle
the terrible game and the half-time show
the relatives who didn't show up and those who did.
the lights and decorations
the hearts
the love
the loss
the silence
the dropped sentences.
the unanswered questions.
what hangs in the air between us.
the weight of years
the burden of responsibility
the pleasure
the company
the parting
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