A bit bleak?

It feels very bleak and isolated when sleep won't come.
I did some research and apparently it is a side effect of my condition. Even taking out the worry, the physical symptoms can include chronic insomnia.

Got up just before lunchtime, somewhat sluggish. Big bowl of syrupy porridge and a naproxen, washed down with about a pint of tea.

Then we made the most of child free status and Corin drove us over to Risley Moss. I wrapped up warm but it was still a bit parky. Fisherking will say I am a soft southerner, but I don't care -it was cold.

We hid, in the hide, and I got some nice shots of some tits (FEATHERED BIRDS OF THE WINGED, BEAKED VARIETY!), a squirrel and a fat robin. We then mooched over to the area in the picture and I was just taking some photos of some other feathered friends as a family wandered up, talking at volume with their child screaming ahead of them. Time to go - for the birds and for us.

I love the tranquility of the Moss!!!

Have been productive the remainder of the day - lessons prepped and the second set of books marked.

Best bit - phone call from BBC Sky at Night - invitation to visit a Dark Sky site in the North East to be part of one of the shows. Am well chuffed. Will share details when it is all confirmed and done. Best get prepping :-) Geeks RULE!!!!

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