The weather forecast threatened more snow, so I went out early to stock the cupboards (which were almost empty after a week avoiding the supermarket) and to get a replacement battery for the Galaxy which refused to start last Friday despite the fact that the battery had been on charge for 24 hours.
By the time I returned the first few flakes were falling, so after a cup of ginger tea, Pete and I headed off to Ferry Meadows to walk Rosie, in case conditions deteriorated too much later on. It was surprisingly busy - a mix of toboganning children and dog-walkers. I'd wrapped my camera in a plastic bag, but it was still difficult to get any decent photographs in the flat light.
Our walk out wasn't too bad, as the snow was coming from behind, but on the way back it was heavier and blew into our faces, stinging our eyes and making it difficult to see. This family are just setting out on their walk - I suspect they may not be quite so cheerful on the way back, from the look of the almost horizontal snow!
I suspect this is best viewed large!
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