Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Oregon Dark-eyed Junco

This is the first decent shot I've ever gotten of this species of junco; hence, the first time I've blipped one.  Shooting a black-headed bird which has a black eye can be a focusing challenge.

They didn't have to go through the wall to find the mold emanating from the garage.  That was a good thing.  There's no visible line or suggestion of where the water came from to cause it.  Go figure.  They'll be back tomorrow or Saturday to work on it more.  The water tank sits on top of a wooden platform (like a box).  When they tore the sides away  from that they found termite activity.  Now I have to have my termite guy come out.

I really do have a love/hate relationship with my house.

In any event, I am still blessed to live in such an interesting place and to have a comfortable place in which to live.  I'm enjoying watching the female birds play coy with the males on the prowl.  I leave bits and pieces laying around the yard as nesting materials.  This morning I watched a female Gambel's quail pick up supplies.  One time she hid something between a prickly pear cactus and a boulder.  A moment later a Bewick's wren came by and snatched it.  Had to laugh.  No pics of them.  Just cute entertainment.

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