In the Waiting Room

Waiting rooms in hospitals continue to intrigue me.  Especially when there are whole family groups there and I can just sit and watch their interaction.

Dad had a biopsy today on a lesion on his head so SHH and I spent some time just sitting in the waiting room.

I decided I would treat dad to a home cooked tea after his mini ordeal.  I knew he had some sausages in his fridge so I offered him Toad in the hole and he jumped at the opportunity.  We had to buy potatoes and beans on the way home to go with it but that was ok.  We got to Dad's, I rushed to put the oven on to warm up as Dad was going out to choir quite early.  I went to the fridge to get the sausages - no sausages.  No idea where they were.  Thought we might have taken them home with us so I went to see.  Rob requested a masher as Dad hadn't got one.  He also requested a potato peeler as Dad hadn't got one.  So being the good wife, off i went.  Found Peeler and Masher but no sausages visible anywhere.  Went to shop to buy sausages.  Got back to Dad, put sausages quickly in oven to get cooking.  Five minutes later, I discovered that Dad had turned the oven off in my absence...  Still ambitious, I beat up the batter, put it on the sausages, and of course it didn't cook in time...  The Sausages, mash and beans were good though.

Please hold the TYM in your thoughts - he is not doing at all well at the moment.

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