On a Tombstone

... in Altendorf Cemetery, city of Holzminden, the following lines were engraved in the 1840s:

"Wie wir Freud und Schmerzen teilten           
Auf der Erde Pilgerbahn,
So wir lange nicht verweilten
Als dein Wink uns zu dir nahm.
Schnell empfingen wir uns wieder
In des Himmels lichtem Schein.
Feiert fromme Dankeslieder,
Dort wird keine Trennung sein."
As we shared joy and sorrow
On Earth’s pilgrim trail,
So we did not dwell long
When your hint called us to you.
Swiftly we received each other
In Heaven’s bright glow.
Celebrate with pious thank hymns,
As there will be no separation.

To be honest, I blipped this memorial because of the ring of stars, reminding me of the first European flag, which has 12 stars though (this number because of aesthetical reasons).

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