Uan...tu...Uan, tu, tri, for...
We are at that point where the house we had lived in for two years, with all its unfinished bits and holes in walls, has been rendered strangely alien. Of course it will be better with new wiring, heating, actually finished walls and more light and air. But it feels like there is a lot to be done to get to that endpoint.
It’s the second week in February and my energy levels are low after the lingering cold, the tooth stuff, the Brexit stuff, the my poor old mum stuff and the general state of the world stuff.
Uan...tu...Uan, tu, fri, for...
It’s time to strike up the band but the band is reluctant to play - scorbutico (score-boo-Tee-co) - grumpy, cranky, not full of the joys of spring. The coldest hour before dawn and all that.
The ‘one two three four‘ taken from Florentine police wayward procedural author, Marco Vichi in his Nel più bel sogno (In the best dream).
Turns out ‘Nel più bel sogno’ is a song by Don Backy, a 60s popstar from Tuscany. Our eponymous hero, Commissario Bordelli, is in the Moulin Rouge night club in Florence with his good friend Rosa waiting to hear Don Backy.
The song is here on YouTube
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