St.Mary’s Holy Well


Also known as ‘Pilgrim’s Well’ as it was on the pilgrimage route to Walsingham.
And ‘Ladyes Well’ on an early map. There was an earlier chapel on the site and Roman links too.

I made good time so had it in mind to check out this well on my way. Limited Wi-fi so hope this downloads okay. Tony Luxton has taken some lovely photographs of this beautiful ruined church many times before and whilst looking for wells I discovered that there was one here in the church grounds.

I then stopped for a blast of sea air after my long journey and walked out to the beach at Titchwell. Once I emerged onto the marshland a marsh harrier soared and began hunting over the reeds, waving and glowing gold in the low sun. The tide was pouring in and there was just one of my seal friends in the creek popping his head up every so often. As I turned and headed back flocks of geese passed so close I could hear that wonderful whizzy wing thing that is always so thrilling.

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