Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie meets Woody

A very slow start today, after last night's soirée at Elizabeth's. A most pleasant evening was spent, with lots of tasty nibbles and plenty of fizz. 

I had an 'incident report' call from the police re the broken car window yesterday. I was asked if I needed 'victim support', but declined.

It was a lovely morning. In fact, Archie and I sat in front garden in the sun (out of the wind) for the first time this year.

Elizabeth took Arch out for the day, and she met up with a friend and her dog, Woody. Archie and Woody get on fine (now that Woody has been neutered). JR and Hazel went off to check out a new hostelry in Bruntsfield (and look in some shops).

I, meanwhile, settled down on the sofa for a few hours of rugby. Such a shame that the Scotland game was played in a blizzard - it had been so nice up till then. So many mistakes and penalties given away. And Hoggy almost had another 'failing to touch the ball down properly' nightmare.

I've hardly moved all day, but I had rugby as an excuse. Same tomorrow, but I have Storm Ciara as the excuse. And another rugby game.

Photo by Elizabeth

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