Return to the North

By Viking

Bedroom manoeuvers

Ever since I moved in with my sister I have been short of wardrobe space. The room is a reasonable sized double but the wardrobe is a very small built in affair over the stairs (those who live in older houses will get the idea) Anyway I’ve been hankering after a new one for a while and saw one on sale last week so ordered it, to be delivered last weds. I then begged my cousin to come and ‘help me’ to assemble it. Bless him he spent 4 hours+ today assembling it this far and will still have to come back tomorrow to finish it off. Now it’s up it takes over the bloody room and I’m going to have to rethink where I put everything! For tonight the bed is back in its usual position but as you can see if it stays there the wardrobe will be blocked! Oh I do love a good move around. Alas my old body does NOT! My knee has not appreciated all the shifting about and the running (!) up and down stairs

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