Bringing in the boat
Mid morning I walked the length of Snells Beach and back. lots of birds to see, including the first decent sight of a group of Canada Geese (Maori name is Kuihi). Saw a red-billed gull (Tarapunga) hassle the Kuaka (godwits) until one took flight, whereupon it was chased around for a minute or so. Strange.
Plenty of Tuturiwhatu (NZ Dotterels), which were relatively relaxed as long as I made no sudden moves.More Poaka (stilts), and of course the raucous Karoro (Kelp gull). Another piece of fascinating bird behaviour came from two white-faced herons. One had just landed on a spit of sand recently uncovered by water, when another flew down and chased the first away. By about 20 - 30 m. The aggressor then ran after the first and spread its wings like the archetypal pantomime villain with his cape, and hounded the other heron into flight and departure.
A quiet and restful day.
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