Storm Ciara

Sunday 9th February 2020

I handed the two services to my colleagues and took another day to rest. 

Just after 9am one of the 8am congregation rang to say she was sorry to hear I was ill and would I be cancelling something tomorrow afternoon. Clearly, not being in church because you are ill does not give you license to sleep in! :-))

At 10.15am I got a call for the urgent visit I needed to do. The need for the visit has now overtaken the need to keep any remaining germs away. I quickly got up and got there. It was a very special time and we shared communion, probably for the last time. We now keep vigil. 

Storm Ciara hit us this morning and the rain was torrential when I went out, everywhere was flooding and a boat would have been more appropriate on my visit. It brightened up a little this afternoon and I took this from my doorway. Ten minutes later the sky was totally black and the heavy rain was back. I decided the mono version represented the stormy day more. 

Today has reminded me of storm Erik 12 months and 1 day ago when we had an exhilarating time at Crummock! 

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