Gone With the Wind

Blip seems to be awash with photos of Storm Ciara and its destruction. At around 11.30 this morning, we heard a crash. I presumed the bin had blown over so was a bit shocked to find a tree had come down, taking the brick wall with it and hitting the church pavilion next door. we all rushed outside and for several minutes just stood and stared, not knowing what to do first. It’s a strange feeling seeing a big space where there used to be a wall. The good folk from st marys all come out for a look and the rectors son seemed to find it all highly amusing. Not one person asked us if we were ok. D, Alf, Alice and I donned our waterproofs, wellies and gardening gloves and got to work clearing bricks and branches then D got out the chain saw and started chopping up the tree. Alfie and Alice loaded barrow after barrow of logs and removed them to the side of the house. I dragged massive branches across to the river side of the garden where there is now a huge pile. All of this in gale force winds and lashing rain. I now truly understand the meaning of the phrase ‘backbreaking ‘.
It took several hours to clear the bulk of it.
No one could be bothered to cook so we’re getting a Thai takeaway. Fingers crossed we’ll be able to claim on the insurance and thankfully no one was hurt.

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